Bild von verschiedenen Wewalka Kuchenteigen, die bereits gebacken und dekoriert auf einer Arbeitsplatte auf Platten präsentiert werden

Baking for young and old:
Fine moments of indulgence.

Baking has never been so easy and delicious! These high-quality seasonal doughs from Wewalka ensure sweet moments of indulgence and creations that are sure to succeed: Highlights such as our unique bejgli dough, cookie and biscuit doughs in different varieties as well as delicious cake creations in brownie, caramel and lemon semolina flavours bring variety to your bakery. 
Whether crispy or moist - the diverse possibilities offered by our seasonal and sweet doughs invite you to keep discovering new favourite recipes!

Cookie Dough

Wewalka cookies are available in different sorts: classic milk-chocolate, triple-chocolate and flapjack are offered together with a cranberry-oat-cookie. The American-style-cookies are crumbly and melt in your mouth.
Wewalka cookie dough is produced in rolls. You just cut it in slices, put it on baking paper and enjoy after a short time in the oven.

Bild von zwei American Cookies, hergestellt mit Wewalka Triple Chocolate Cookie Teig, eines davon angebrochen

CAKE is always a good idea!

The assortment of sweet doughs was lately widened by a new assortment of cakes. Brownie, caramell-cake and lemon-cake come already on a little baking tray made of paper. Just put it in the oven and preferably enjoy your cake luke-warm.
Be sure to get Wewalka´s lates creation!

Bejgli Dough

Wewalka dough for bejgli is a short crust base made of flour, vegetable fat, sugar, a pinch of salt and baking powder, especially developed to make the Hungarian "bejgli". 
The classic filling consists of nuts or poppy seeds. The dough is produced seasonally before Easter and Christmas.

Bild von Schnecken, hergestellt aus Wewalka Beugelteig, präsentiert gebacken in einer Form am gedeckten Tisch, Honig wird gerade darübergetropft

Christmas Cookies

The holiday season is just not the same without the classic cookies, especially in Austria.
That´s why we at Wewalka keep that tradition up with our wide assortment of seasonal cookie doughs: classic short crust, vanilla short crust, black-and-white short crust and gingerbread, you will love it!
These doughs come as a block to allow for all sorts of creations for cookies. Roll with your baking-pin, create your favourite cookie, bake and enjoy!

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